HKUST TEMG4000G – Deep Tech Startup Business Plan
A newly developed course at HKUST Dual-Degree Technology and Management Program (DDP) taught by Daniel Chun (new faculty member at DDP and EMIA) – 3-credit course
TEMG4000G is now looking for talented HKUST students to join project groups for Spring 2024
In the fall of 2023, the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) have developed under the DDP program a new course by partnering with the Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT). The OKT has been supporting the university professors, faculty members, and students to commercialising their inventions and university start-ups. It is in this context that the faculty member at AIS DDP have decided to make available an unique deep-tech startup business planning course. This entrepreneur course is different from other entrepreneurs course at HKUST as it dives deep into various inventions conceived by HKUST faculty members.
TEMG4000G has also very decent student satisfaction by the university SFQ survey
This picture shown below is the final presentation day to the project owners with representatives from the HKUST Office of Knowledge Transfer.

More information , please click this link (HKUST Student access only) for more information on Spring 2023-24 TEMG4000G
The syllabus for TEMG4000G is available here in PDF
Course Title (long): “Deep Tech Start-up Business Plan”
Course Title (short): “Deep Tech Start-up Business Plan.”
Course Description: TEMG4000G explores the process of commercializing innovative IP developed by deep tech start-ups. Students will engage in project-based learning, developing comprehensive business plans that address customer needs, target markets, competition, marketing strategies, and financial projections – to successfully create a start-up business plan for the deep tech start-up venture collaborating with the Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT).